client feature: meet natasha

“I’d always been interested in doing a boudoir shoot, but it became very clear to me the moment I knew I would need one. In early 2023, one of the scariest things in the world happened – my mammogram showed three “spots”, and I needed further imaging and testing.

I opted in for genetic testing as well since multiple types of cancer ran rampant on my paternal side of the family. Even as the original findings were being analyzed, new spots and now lumps were forming rapidly. Thankfully, what was identified was all benign. Unfortunately, with everything factored in, my lifetime cancer risk was 60-80%. I immediately opted for a proactive double mastectomy (Dec 2023).

I’d never been really into feeling sexy or even attractive, so the resulting appearance didn’t matter as much as wrapping my head around having implants. The idea of scars was a non-factor of worry for me; the idea of “having two plastic bags in my chest for life” was what concerned me most.

It was in the month before the surgery that I decided I’d need a boudoir photoshoot to help me accept my new body – implants and all. It’s been a lot to go through physically, but I made it. I’m still trudging through the mental side of it, and this photoshoot is going to help so much with changing my concept of the mirror. It will remind me that not only is it okay to feel pretty inside but that my outside actually matches as well.”
- Natasha Guy, Effortless Ambassador

When you’re ready to see yourself in a new light, CONTACT US. You are deserving of feeling beautiful, worthy of love, and full of life…just like Natasha.

XOXO, Christine


Introducing my Dreamy New Studio


what you see vs. what i see as your boudoir photographer